Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Heads Up...
Next week the letter of the week is:

We will be doing some Science experiments with 'Yeast' and I need everyone to bring a
2L plastic bottle on Monday if they can.
Can you take the label off too please? 

We have one more week to learn about Time.

This includes:
Days of the Week
Months of the Year
Reading 'o Clock Times.


This week everyone has worked really hard in Room 4.
Just about everyone got a Lucky Dip today - Ka Pai Room 4 Rockers!

Tomorrow morning we are off to the hall to watch a performance called STRIKE!

Ollie has done an amazing job as the Star of the Week! 
Thanks for being so organised and efficient Ollie.

We have done some amazing 'U' work.
We went on an Umbrella Walk.
Thanks everyone for bringing your umbrella and your gumboots and for sharing!

It was a cold, drippy day - perfect for an Umbrella Walk!

Shantaliya was freezing!

Sadie and Eve T making the most of the fun!

Milan was our senior helper. Noah and Carlisle enjoyed sharing with him.

Lucy was dressed in her Little Red Riding Hood outfit.

Check out the brollie James had!

Off we go...

Waving to our friends...

Meeting at the gate...

Jumping in puddles...

Leaving the school grounds...

Waiting for everyone to catch up...

Off we go...

In the gate...

Heading back into school...

Such fun!

Back to class!

We had a lovely time!
We wrote about our walk too.

I went for an umbrella walk.

I went on an umbrella walk today.

We went for a big walk.

Room 4 had an umbrella walk. Today in Room 4. It was awesome and I went with Evelyn. Eve B

Today Shantaliya and Lydia went with me. Lydia was too big under the umbrella on the umbrella walk. Eve B went with me too.

Today we had an umbrella walk at Opawa.

Today Room 4 went for an umbrella walk.

Today Room 4 went fo a walk.

I went with my friends on an umbrella walk and it was fun.

I like to run with Room 4.

I like the running.

When we went out on our umbrella walk I wore my LIttle Red Riding Hood coat.

Today we went on to the umbrella walk.

I went for our walk out of the school grounds.
Eve T

I like the umbrella walk.

I went in Shayla's umbrella today.

Today we went on an umbrella walk. It was fun.


  1. Looks like fun! Thanks Rach :) Jessie (Lucy)

  2. Wonderful! Lovely pics! Thanks for keeping us updated Rach! :) Kim (Carlisles step mum)
