Tuesday, May 31, 2016

We have had a blast today!

 is such a yummy letter. 

We have been doing lots with yachts.

Yesterday we designed our yachts with plasticine.
Today we made sails and did our first test to see if they would FLOAT or... SINK.



We have one that floats!

More testing.

Some sunk and we had a couple that floated.
We wondered why and what we needed to do to make them float.

We decided to go back and change our designs.
We thought we needed larger and flatter bottoms and the plasticine spread out so that the weight was 'thinner'.

Drying out before we head off and redesign our yachts.

We reworked our designs and did a second test to see if they floated or sunk...

Final alterations to the designs!

Quick - final changes!

Carlisle's ready!

Jamal's ready.
Eve's making final changes.

First to go - it's a sinker!



A floater!

It sunk!

Another floater!


Emma has managed to come up with a successful design each time.
Ka Pai Emma!

Sunk! But.. it's got Zade thinking about what he needs to do.




Carlisle has a plan for the 3rd design though!

Out 3 floaters.
These girls are going to join forces tomorrow and are going to build a bigger yacht.

Which are successful floaters and why?
What do we need to do?

We are going back to rework and change our designs tomorrow.

Ollie showed us a really clever experiment today.
Thanks for sharing Ollie - you did a fantastic job.

Ollie and his assistant, Lydia.

The first pencil is in successfully.


Ollie takes questions.

Out some the pencils.

Out comes the water.

Super work Ollie!
Thanks for sharing.

We wondered how it happened?
The bag hugs the pencil and holds the water tight.

Snacks - Healthy Please!
Room 4 have a morning snack at 10:00am
Our next food break isn't until lunch time at 1:00pm

This is a long time for us to last if we haven't had a good morning tea snack.

Between 10:00am and 1:00pm we do lots of learning.
We also have morning break and we do lots and lots of running.
We need a good morning tea to keep us going!

We have a quick fruit snack in the afternoon.

I can't wait to see who has successful floating yachts tomorrow.

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