Saturday, July 30, 2016

Welcome to Term 3!

What a great start to the term we have had.
Everyone is really settled, our new class members have joined Room 4 without a hitch and everyone is focused and ready to learn. We are so lucky to have such a stunning class.

Our Value for this term is:
Our Room 4 goal is to:
'STRIVE for excellence by doing Quality Work'

This week Carlisle was awarded our Room 4 certificate for Quality Work and Emma was awarded our class certificate for always showing our school goal.
Fantastic work Emma -keep it up!
You are a such an awesome role model.
Tino pai!

Wow Carlisle!
Your work was QUALITY all week!
Ka pai!

We also have a Verandah Goal:
To use walking feet and quite voices when we are on the Verandah during class time.
I'm going to catch people doing this during the week and they will get a Pizza with the Principal ticket - you might get it drawn out of the Treasure Box in Assembly on Friday!!!

This week we had a 'Star of the Day' each day.
Our STARS for Week 1 were:



Eve T!

Thank you all for your hard work this week and for being such great role models in Room 4.

We will have a 'Star of the Week' this week.
I wonder who it will be?
I'm thinking...
We'll find out on Monday!

What's On This Week - Week 2?

The letter of the week is...
This is a tricky one.
Who will find some V things to bring to the sharing table this week?

Normal Programme
Normal Programme
Te Reo Maori
Library Day
Sausage Sizzle Day
Normal Programme
Junior Singing

Please remember to bring a drink bottle each day and aim for healthy food for lunch and snacks.

We have a BIG snack in the morning because we don't have lunch until 1:00pm. 

We have a quick snack (a piece of fruit is ideal) in the afternoon. This is just to keep us going until we get home.

Remember to take your nail polish off before you come to school on Monday!

Health & Wellbeing
There are still some nasty bugs around. 

We work really hard in Room 4 to make sure we wash our hands, cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze and we use tissues to blow our noses.

It's really important that you stay at home if you are feeling unwell.

If you come to school you might get even sicker and you also spread the bugs. 
Make sure you tell an adult if you are feeling a bit yucky.

Learning This Term...
Maths - all about numbers and later in the term, shapes.
Reading - how to be a good reader, looking at books, punctuation, characters/setting/plot and the author's message.
Writing - writing for enjoyment/working on individual writing  goals/spelling.
Inquiry - Our Neck Of The Woods - what makes us NZ's/Kiwis/Kiwiana/Kiwi Music & Celebrating other cultures.

Everyone in Room 4 is working on spelling and all students have spelling lists in their Home Learning books so that they can have-a-go at home too.

School photos are this term - coming up soon.

PMP continues for Room 4 on Mondays and Tuesdays.

We only have 8 weeks left and it's going to be very busy!

Room 4 are a hardworking class.
This is us writing this week.

NEWS SHARING this term.
For the first 4 weeks we are going to have 'free' news sharing.
This means anyone can share 'Letter of the Week' items on any day.
People sharing 'Letter of the Week' news will get to share first.
We will try to make time for other News items.
If we are busy with other learning activities we will save the news items and share them the next day.

See you all on Monday.

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